Our antiques really shine at Christmas. The warm and cozy feeling we get from surrounding ourselves with country antiques explodes when we add greens, fruit, antique toys and lots of candles to our home displays.

I sold this multi-socket tin candle holder a few years ago and have regretted it ever since. It really says Christmas!

We used to have an old wagon and we found some straw reindeer to pull it. It was a staple outdoor decoration at this time of year.
I force bulbs in the winter because I miss the gardens so much in this cold climate. The best success I have is with paper whites and amaryllis.
Showing them off in antique containers works really well, as long as you protect your antiques from

Crocks, tin buckets and firkins make good holders, especially since you can sink the whole flower pot inside. Cats like them too!

Small displays of antique toys amid greens from the garden are fun to do all around the house.

And who can resist old Putz sheep!

Lots and lots of candles, a fire in the fireplace and seasonal music playing is the perfect way to relax after a hard day.

Aromatic potpourri, natural greens, flowers and fruit make the house smell wonderful, too.

Peace, joy and love!

And cats in the tree....

Happiness to you all!